The Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions 将联合医疗定义为“医疗保健部门的一部分”,提供涉及身份识别的服务, 评价, and prevention of diseases and disorders; dietary and nutrition services; and rehabilitation and health 系统 management."
根据Indeed的职业指南, 2月3日, 2023, "Health care is a rewarding career field with a variety of opportunities, even for those who aren't interested in going to medical or nursing school. Allied health professionals are an integral part of the health care system, and there's a growing demand for them to support medical staff. 了解联合医疗专业人员有什么机会可以帮助你决定这是否是适合你的职业."
在BCBA教练的支持下, you will learn the steps required to administer behavioral intervention plans, 为行为分析师记录和准备数据, 并遵循道德决策和协议, 正如董事会所描述的. 你会学到行为的一般功能, 如何使用激励因素和强化因素, 进行偏好评估, 危机预防协议, and reduce or increase target behaviors by following a behavior intervention plan.
这门综合性的在线牙科辅助课程将为您提供成为牙科助理所需的基本技能和知识, including every aspect of professional dental assistance. 你还要准备通过放射检查, 感染控制, and anatomy and physiology portions of the Dental Assisting National Board examinations – NELDA or CDA.
In this online medical assistant certification course, you will learn a broad range of skills that make medical assistants versatile and valuable, 包括医学术语, 医学法律与伦理, HIPAA法规, 调度系统, and the importance of certified 诊所al medical assistants as healthcare team members. You will also be prepared to perform duties from the front office to the back office. 这些职责包括测量生命体征, 协助考试, 进行实验室测试, 维护设备和用品, 进行注射, 获取血液样本, 安排预约, 登记病人, 接听和回复电话.
You will also learn medical terms and their application as part of your medical assistant training. 您将从学习医学词汇的起源以及如何识别医学术语中使用的前缀和后缀开始. Then you will learn about the body as a whole and how to differentiate cells, 组织, 器官, 系统, 和蛀牙. Next, you will learn to define and describe the function of each system of the human body. This knowledge will help you take the next step in your medical career or education.
Electrocardiography (EKG) technicians are vital members of any healthcare team. If you want to join the booming healthcare industry as an EKG tech, 这个深入的心电图技术员认证课程将培训您的关键概念,并为您的职业成功做好准备. 你将学会申请, 监控, and measure electrocardiography tests in a flexible, 在线学习环境.
As you progress through this EKG technician course, 您将获得获得国家认可的心电图技术员认证所需的知识和技能, 其中包括测量基本生命体征, 执行快速反应程序, 操作心电图机, 辨别节奏. As you prepare for your EKG technician certification, you will get solid introduction to key medical terminology, 包括肌肉骨骼, 心血管, 淋巴, 免疫系统, and other important health 系统 you will need to know as an EKG technician.
完成本心电图技术员课程后, you will be prepared to take the 认证心电图技术员 (CET), provided by the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). You will also receive a voucher for the 认证心电图技术员 (CET) certification exam. The voucher is prepaid access to sit for the certifying exam 在资格.
准备进入热门领域? 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, the job market for medical assistants will grow by 16% through 2031, 哪个工作比一般工作快得多. 本课程将教你行政医疗助理如何成为医疗团队中多才多艺和有价值的成员,他们处理广泛的职责,并且是熟练的多任务处理者,通过办公室指导病人的流动. Effective patient flow allows the practice to operate efficiently, 增加收入, 为病人提供积极的体验.
Their duties include maintaining the reception area, 欢迎病人和访客, 安排预约, 收集人口统计信息, 核实保险资格, 获得事先授权, 收集共同支付, and communicating via the phone and patient portal. 本在线行政医疗助理认证课程将为您准备与医疗服务提供者一起执行这些行政职责的职位.
Upon completing this medical administrative assistant training course, 你将为国家健康职业协会(NHA)提供的注册医疗行政助理(CMAA)国家认证考试做好准备。. This CMAA certification course includes a voucher that covers the fee for the exam.
心理健康技术员, 也常被称为精神病学技师, 初级精神卫生工作者是照顾精神疾病或发育性残疾患者的吗. These technicians play an important role in outpatient and inpatient 诊所s.
这个心理健康技术员认证课程将带你从没有经验到合格的入门级心理健康技术员的位置. 这门课, 其中包括医学术语, focuses on objectives that include the role and responsibilities of the technician, as well as important need-to-know processes and procedures, and how to identify and approach patients with common psychosocial needs. Real-world scenario assignments provide you opportunities to receive direct feedback from your instructor, 因此,在为精神健康障碍患者提供支持和干预时,您可以准备好提供适当的帮助和工具.
Upon completion of the certified mental health technician training course, 你将准备参加由美国医学认证协会(AMCA)提供的心理健康技术员认证(MHTC)考试。. Enrollment fees include a voucher for the MHTC exam. 作为奖励, 心理健康技术员课程, you will be able to apply to attend a Red Cross workshop to obtain your CPR/BLS certification.
患者护理技术人员(pct)是至关重要的医疗保健专业人员,他们在协助护士和其他医务人员向患者提供护理方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 随着就业需求空前高涨, after successfully completing this patient care technician program and certification exam, you can become a technician primarily focused on direct patient care and support within a hospital, 诊所, 长期护理机构, 或者家庭保健.
这个病人护理技术员认证课程将给你一个全面的概述工作作为一个病人护理技术员. 在这个异步培训课程中, you will learn how to demonstrate your knowledge of the healthcare delivery system. 您将学习如何运用知识和技能为不同人群的患者提供个性化的基本护理,以及如何在PCT实践范围内解决问题并使用批判性思维技能,同时促进积极的患者结果.
This patient care technician training course will also provide you with comprehensive, 广泛的培训, 它将帮助你追求一个新的职业生涯,作为一个病人护理技术员,并包括一个免费的代金券参加注册病人护理技术员/助理(CPCT/ a)认证考试通过全国健康职业协会(NHA), 或通过美国医疗认证协会(AMCA)的病人护理技术员(PCTC)认证考试, 在资格.
物理治疗(PT)助手在与诊所运行相关的任务中支持物理治疗师和物理治疗助理. PT助手是重要的物理治疗团队成员,对这些训练有素的专业人员的需求越来越大. Additionally, PT aide jobs will gain 1,300 new openings by 2032.
这个在线物理治疗辅助程序将帮助您掌握作为一名需求物理治疗辅助人员所需的技能. 这个物理治疗助手认证课程准备PT助手在物理治疗办公室执行非医疗任务, 包括设立预约室, 准备治疗工具, 观察和记录病人的就诊情况.
在物理治疗辅助培训期间, 您将准备由美国医学认证协会(AMCA)提供的物理治疗技术员/助理认证考试,并在课程完成后了解您需要知道的一切,以获得PT助理工作.
无菌处理技术员(SPT), 也被称为中央服务技术员, play a critical role in preventing infection by sterilizing, 清洁, 处理, 组装, 存储, 分发医疗用品. 该在线无菌处理技术员认证课程将培训您作为SPT工作,并为您准备医疗保健无菌处理协会(HSPA)提供的注册注册中央服务技术员(CRCST)认证。.
在教练的支持下, you will learn all the necessary steps required to perform the duties and tasks of an SPT. In this sterile 处理 technician training course, 您将学习角色概念中的细节和期望,并熟练理解灭菌过程的逐步要求.
你是动物爱好者吗? Have you ever considered a career as a veterinary assistant? If yes, then this veterinary assistant training course is perfect for you. 它将装备你必要的知识和技能,成为任何兽医团队的有效成员.
Throughout this online veterinary assistant program, you will learn every aspect of veterinary assisting, 包括解剖学和生理学, 动物的克制, 实验室程序, 急救护理, 小型和大型动物协助, 外来物种, 兽医牙科, 人与动物的债券, 制药过程, 和更多的.
您还将学习如何与客户进行专业互动,并获得您需要的专业知识,以教育他们有关宠物护理的关键主题, 比如营养, 接种疫苗, 管理药物. This veterinary assistant course concludes with a lesson to prepare you for the job market, in which you will see how to create an effective resume, 提升你的专业技能, 培养很强的面试技巧. You will truly learn everything you need to know to be successful in your new career.